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中国能源政策院学术讲座——Diffusion of Energy Policy Performance Through Leadership Transfer Networks: An Agent Network Diffusion Model

编辑者:李佳 | 发布时间:2018-12-06

报告题目:Diffusion of Energy Policy Performance Through Leadership Transfer Networks: An Agent Network Diffusion Model

报告嘉宾:Hongtao Yi, The Ohio State University        






Although scholars have explored the effects of learning, competition, and geographic proximity in the diffusion process, extant theories have not paid enough attention to the roles of the change agents. This study proposes an Agent Network Diffusion (AND) model that explicitly models how leadership transfer networks, a complex system of policy makers’ career paths, could potentially channel the diffusion of energy performance. With longitudinal data on energy governance performance in Chinese provinces, we empirically test the Portable Innovation Hypotheses using Spatial Autoregressive Models with Temporal Lags. The results demonstrate that leadership transfer networks channel performance innovation between locations where policy makers served/serve, especially when the institutional environments are similar between the locations. This study contributes to the literature on energy policy, diffusion of innovations, management performance, and policy networks by proposing and testing a network-based explanation for energy policy diffusion with novel empirical methods.


易洪涛博士是俄亥俄州立大学公共事务学院终身职副教授,  美国佛罗里达州立大学公共管理博士。易洪涛教授主要从事能源政策、环境政策、政策过程和政策网络的研究。他曾获美国政治科学学会(APSA)的洛维公共政策最佳论文奖(Lowi Award),并获得美国国家科学基金(NSF)项目资助、佛罗里达州立大学最佳博士论文奖和Phi Kappa Phi 学者奖。他在Public Administration ReviewJPART Global Environmental ChangeEnergy, Energy Policy Policy Studies Journal等学科顶尖SSCISCI高影响因子杂志上发表学术论文26篇,国际会议论文50余篇。目前还担任《复旦公共行政评论》国际编辑,以及公共政策与管理学会 (APPAM)组委会(conference program committee)成员。同时他为牛津大学出版社、麦柯米伦出版和艾斯维尔出版社,以及公共政策、能源环境政策、环境科学与工程、管理科学、区域规划和城市事务等领域的70SSCI SCI学术期刊担任评审。
