发布者:hejieqin 发布时间:2017-11-03 14:59:19 浏览数: 次 [ 返回 ]
演讲题目:Drivers, Riders and Service Providers: The impact of the Sharing Economy on Mobility
演讲人: Prof. Costas A Courcoubetis
(Singapore University of Technology and Design)
时 间:2017年11月8日(三)上午10:10
地 点:嘉庚一(保欣丽英楼)207
摘 要:
It is widely believed that ride sharing, the practice of sharing a car such that more than one person travels in the car during a journey, has the potential to significantly reduce congestion by filling up cars more efficiently. By analyzing a game-theoretic model will large number of players we find that the ratio of ownership to usage costs is the crucial determinant that decides how ride sharing is organized in society. If this ratio is low, ride sharing is offered as a peer-to-peer (P2P) service, and if this ratio is high, ride sharing is offered as a business-to-customer (B2C) service. In the P2P case, rides are initiated by drivers only when the drivers need to fulfill their own transportation requirements. In the B2C case, cars are driven all the time by full time drivers taking rides even if these are not motivated by their private needs. Our analysis specifies how car ownership and congestion are effected by platform prices, cost parameters, and the distribution of the individuals’ types. In particular we discover that traffic and ownership may increase as the ownership cost increases, and that a revenue maximizing platform might prefer a situation where cars are driven with only a few seats occupied, creating high congestion. In this talk we like to discuss regulation policy design issues, avoiding excess congestion but profiting from the sharing economy.
Prof. Costas A Courcoubetis was born in Athens, Greece and received his Diploma (1977) from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, his MS (1980) and PhD (1982) from the University of California, Berkeley, in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He was MTS at the Mathematics Research Center, Bell Laboratories, Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Crete, Professor in the Department of Informatics at the Athens University of Economics and Business, and since 2013 Professor in ESD and ISTD Pillars, SUTD. His current research interests are economics and performance analysis of networks and Internet technologies with applications in the development of pricing schemes that reduce congestion and enhance stability and robustness, regulation policy, smart grids and energy systems, resource sharing and auctions. Besides leading a large number of research projects in these areas he has also published over 100 papers in scientific journals such as Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research, Journal on Applied Probability, ToN, IEEE Transactions in Communications, IEEE JSAC, SIAM Journal on Computing, etc. and in conferences such as FOCS, STOC, LICS, INFOCOM, GLOBCOM, ITC, ACM SIGMETRICS. His work has over 12000 citations according to the Google Scholar. He is the co-author with Richard Weber for “Pricing Communication Networks: Economics, Technology and Modeling” (Wiley, 2003).